year 7 BIOLOGY TOPICSIn Year 7 Biology you will learn about how we know if something is alive and what living things are made of. You will see how different living things interact together in their environment and what makes organisms the way they are.
If you think you know all about Year 7 Biology try this Year 7 Biology Mega Quiz. |
Unit 7A is about the structure and function of cells and how they work together to fulfill different roles in a multicellular organism. In this unit you will learn how to use a microscope.
Here are learning objectives for this topic: I can
I understand
USEFUL CELLS WEBSITESCells alive A good website with animations and pictures of lots of different cells.
BBC Bitesize Click to go to the cells revision section. BBC Bitesize Organs and Systems. Here is the Bitesize information about this section of the topic. Microscope tutorial. Here is a video that explains how to use a microscope and about all the parts. Cells quiz. Try another quiz on this website. Have a look forward to IGCSE with Unit B1 or Unit B2. |