year 8 Chemistry topics
In Year 8 Chemistry lessons you will learning more about matter! You will find out about how scientists name and classify different chemicals. you will also learn about the rock cycle. There are only two chemistry topics 8EF and 8GH.
8ef elements, mixtures and compounds
Here are the learning objectives for this unit:
I can
I understand that:
useful 8ef websites
Atoms and elements bitesize revision. Try this Atoms and elements bitesize activity. Take the Atoms and elements bitesize quiz. Compounds and mixtures bitesize revision. Try this Compounds and mixtures bitesize activity. Take the Compounds and mixtures bitesize quiz. Here are some websites that have interactive periodic tables: Try this Chem4kids Mixture quiz. For a challenge do this balancing chemical equations game. Play this excellent Chemical reactions game from MSI Chicago where you react together elements from the periodic table. Really interesting website from TED-Ed with a video about all of the elements Have a look forward to IGCSE Topics on Elements, Mixtures, Compounds |